Together For Homes


How and why we build homes in 1 minute.

The homes we build together are much more than a concrete floor, dry beds, and sturdy walls, they represent hope and generational change for families.

See below for some of the lives we changed together in 2021 through the Homes For Good Program:

In previous years, the rainy season meant wet clothes and a flooded house for Doña Dominga and her two sons. Thanks to our generous community of support, this year the family has hope for the future and can rest easy in their beds inside their new home.

Over the course of two weeks, we constructed a new home for Tania and her children. Her second-oldest, Crisbel, has been a patient of the Together For Health program for several years now and has made incredible progress with her mobility and temperament. However, their current house was in dire shape, offering no sense of security or protection from the elements. Through the following videos, you can follow along every step of the way, as we bring your closer to the work than ever before. 

The impact of every home we build extends much further than the direct benefit to the family. Construction of Tania’s new home begins at a local hardware store in Jinotega, Nicaragua, where materials are sourced, loaded, and delivered to the worksite. Check out this short montage from the first step of a life-changing project.

Construction begins on the new home for Tania and her family in Los Robles, Nicaragua. The first step is to mix cement with sand and water to hand pour the floors. This is labor our past volunteers know quite well, and we hope this brief time-lapse video brings back memories of your time working with us, our local building crew, and families like Tania’s.

Yarisleidy Cortez is our Director of Community Development. Here she updates us on the new home construction for Tania and her family. Thank you for your support and for following along. 

Construction of the new home for Tania and her family is right on schedule. The walls of the living room are going up and framing for the roof is beginning to take shape. 

Keysi (15) is Tania’s oldest child and Joharly (4) is her youngest. Yesterday we asked them what they were most looking forward to about their new home. We can build many more homes together. 

Happy Monday from Los Robles, Nicaragua. By Wednesday, Tania and her family should be settled into their safe and secure new home. 

Today we loaded beds and furniture for Tania’s new home. She and her four children have been sleeping in the same sunken bed for years. Their new home will be more than just four walls, concrete floors, and a sturdy roof. When we dedicate their new home tomorrow, it will be a new beginning.

Yesterday was a very special day for Tania and her family. While she and her children were away for the afternoon, we delivered the beds, furniture, and a few special gifts for the family. They returned to be joined by her loved ones and neighbors as the keys to their new home were presented. Afterwards, they found the surprises inside, culminating with a virtual conversation with CEO, Jon Thompson.

Neiling Diaz is a 26-year-old mother of 3 from the community of Los Robles. The family lives in precarious conditions in a small structure Neiling repaired with borrowed plastic and zinc. The home offers no sense of security and the rainy season is extremely difficult as it often floods inside. Her partner works every day to support the family but they are still days where food is short. Thanks for our generous community of support, we have built Neiling and her family a new home. 

Yorlin Osorio is 9 years old and was born in the remote town of Wiwili, Nicaragua, 4 hours from the city of Jinotega. She moved to Los Robles with her grandparents and mother when she was 6 years old. Her grandfather was in need of steady employment after his only son was accidentally electrocuted at work. Yorlin’s mother, the only living child of her parents, has a diagnosed cognitive disability which limits her to manual labor.


After 3 years in Los Robles, Yorlin’s grandfather has yet to find steady work. His military pension keeps them fed, but they have been camping on borrowed property – exposed to the elements with only their few possessions. In 2019, Yorlin’s mother Nohemy learned about Comunidad Connect’s Homes For Good program and began volunteering on the construction sites of new homes in the community. Her hope was that one day, her family would have their own land where they could build a future for Yorlin. Thus, they continued to save what they could and look for potential land opportunities. In May of 2021, a good Samaritan agreed to sell the family a small plot on favorable terms, and a few months later, they made a formal request to Comunidad Connect for a new home.

Comunidad Connect’s network of support in the USA responded with the funds necessary to build Yorlin‘s family a new house in August 2021. They will not spend another rainy season in danger and exposed to the elements. They will safely sleep in warm beds on dry floors, with a door that locks. 

Emotional moment with Concecpion when visited her, November 2021

 Concepcion Aguilar Mesa (31) is a single mother of four who lives in Los Robles, Nicaragua. As a young woman, Concepcion worked on local farms cooking and cleaning. As her family grew, she could not take them with her to work. Four years ago, she scraped up enough money to build a makeshift dwelling comprised of sheet metal walls, plastic tarp roof, and dirt floor. In early July 2019, we built Concepcion and her family a new home with the help of both foreign and local volunteers. Learn more about her story here. 


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