We can do more together than we can alone.
Well-being depends on access to adequate healthcare, water, food, and housing. As people feel better they can do more…for themselves, their loved ones, and their community.
2021 Year in Review
consultations in Los Robles clinic
Kilometers driven to hospitals with special-needs patients
Meals Prepared and delivered to vulerable seniors
Medical home visits conducted
Local Volunteers
New homes built for families
2022 Priorities
1. Improve Household Infrastructure
- New home construction
- Home repairs (roofs & concrete floors)
- Improved technology (concrete floors & clean-cook stoves/ovens)
2. Increase Access to Quality Health Care
- Primary care at Los Robles Clinic
- In-home care for patients with chronic and permanent disabilities
- Preventive health initiatives via local health promoters
3. Address Food Insecurity
- Crop production via microloans
- Vegatable cultivation via family gardens
- Preparation and delivery of meals to vulnerable populations
4. Support Enterprise
- Micro-loans to small business development
- Business education for entrepreneurs
- Logistical support
“Together For Health” provides year-round care for 20 patients with special needs.
Your gift of $50 provides a home visit by a medical professional and a month’s supply of medicine for one of these patients.

For vulnerable families, adequate shelter is often beyond their means. Building homes creates jobs, fosters dignity, and protects against severe weather for families living in precarious situations.
$3,000 pays for the materials and labor to build a home for a family of five. $200 finances a concrete, clean-cook stove or oven.

Food Security
Knowing where your next meal comes from changes that paradigm and helps a family break the cycle of poverty.
Your gift of $50 provides 5 meals for a family.

Lack of funding, poor economy and logistical challenges present barriers to business opportunities. Together we can invest in people and their ideas by providing micro loans, education, and training.
Comunidad Connect Holiday Catalog
Give your friends and family the experience of changing someone’s life this holiday season by selecting from our wide range of gifts.