Together For Food


Following the Nicaraguan socio-economic crisis of 2018, we launched our Food For Good program in response to food insecurity amongst elderly in the community of Los Robles (pop. 2,100). At that time, only 20% of all families in Los Robles were food secure while 29% were severely insecure.  

The Brigadistas of Los Robles (Health Promoters) and Comunidad Connect team members work together to deliver meals as part of the Food For Good program. Each month the program creates 3 temporary jobs and provides over 250 meals to address food insecurity for seniors, special needs patients, and other isolated residents of the community. 




‘Gardens For Good’ aims to combat food insecurity by helping families cultivate nutritious vegetables on their small plots of land. We hope the first pilot families will serve as catalysts to replicate this project with many more of the 450+ families living in Los Robles. Special shout-out to Harold Acuña from the Instituto Nacional Tecnológico (INATEC Jinotega campus) for his support and guidance in this project.




Meet Deisy Gonzalez and learn how to make traditional Nicaraguan Nacatamales from scratch.




Longtime health promoter, Deisy Gonzalez invited us to her kitchen to learn firsthand about the local economy of rural Nicaragua. She shared her experience as an inaugural participant of our Grow For Good program and how to make tortillas by hand!
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