Community, Authenticity, and Joy

Léelo en español Written by Laura Bonin, GSU Physical Therapy Student Months of planning, endless crowdfunding emails, and feelings of anticipation and excitement all preceded a weeklong trip for fourteen physical therapy students, one professor, and two physical...

Una Nota de Una Brigadista de Salud

Read this post in English! Escrito por: Nerys Blandon, Cordinadora de Educación y Enlace Comunitaria, Comunidad Connect Hola Equipo, Quiero compartirles la experiencia en San Esteban. Fuimos hace un par de semanas a San Esteban, para organizar el censo del proyecto...

Peace in Sontule

Written by: Grace Galloway, Comunidad Connect, Princeton in Latin America Fellow Sontule is a 600-resident town nestled in the Miraflor Nature Reserve of Northern Nicaragua. Peace and tranquility characterize the community today, but in the 1970s and 80s it was a site...
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