Reflection from an Volunteer: March 2016

Written by: Taylor McNair, Comunidad Connect Volunteer, Emory MBA Candidate, I was certainly skeptical. I heard so much hype about this trip to Nicaragua, I was curious as to whether the experience would truly live up to all it was made up to be. Beyond this, I could...

Dos Muchachas en Atlanta

Escrito por: Kim Gordon, Princeton-in-Latin America Fellow, Comunidad Connect 2015 Cuando me di cuenta de que mi beca para la pasantía con Comunidad Connect cubriría dos vuelos a Atlanta, hice mi meta personal llevar a mi colega Nicaragüense, Nerys Blandon, a los...

Connecting Communities One Person at a Time

by: Roman Yavich At the end of April, Nerys Blandon, a resident of Los Robles, Nicaragua will travel to Atlanta, GA to present her work at Emory University as a community health volunteer and the Comunidad Connect Outreach and Education Coordinator in her rural...
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