Road Map to Responsible Community Development

Community Identification and Assessment

  • Leveraging existing relationships and considering strategic priorities, identify a community to be considered for development programming
  • Initial community assessment
    1. Identify and meet with local leaders, institutions, and other key stakeholders
    2. Inventory existing community assets
    3. Identify local development priorities, including new community assets and individual assets
    4. SWOT analysis
    5. Identify potential external partners
  • Project feasibility assessment
    1. Is Comunidad Connect capable of supporting the identified development priorities?
    2. Are local commitment, institutions, and leadership strong enough to expect co-investment?
    3. Are external partners and funding sources available?
    4. Is a development program feasible given logistical and technical considerations?

Pre-implementation Stage

  • Relationship development
    1. Build trust with local partners
    2. Facilitate meetings with local and external partners
    3. Support local leadership
  • Collection of data used in proposal development and evaluation
    1. Secondary data: Collect existing data from public and private sources
    2. Primary data: Conduct interviews/focus groups/surveys with key stakeholders
    3. Identify appropriate household-level asset (e.g. water filter, stove, floor, etc.) for each participating family
  • Proposal development
    1. Share results of data collection and community assessment with community leaders and whole community when appropriate
    2. Together with community leaders, based on collected data and information, create a statement of work outlining the development priorities, projects and activities, local and external partners, timeline, and budget
    3. Review statement of work with key partners and staff to obtain feedback
    4. Identify potential funders
    5. Update proposal and present to Board of Directors for approval

Secure funding
Implementation Stage

  • Staff allocation
    1. Hire and train local staff
    2. Assign roles to SCCC staff
  • Communicate program launch
    1. Community orientation and Q&A meetings
    2. Stakeholder meetings
    3. PR, Social Media, Website etc.
  • Family engagement
    1. Collect family level information / home visits
    2. Identify participating families
  • Community engagement and co-investment
    1. Reach consensus on community asset development service projects to be used as co-investment
    2. Schedule and track community service projects
    3. Integrate cultural connections by supporting service projects with international volunteers
  • Community outreach
    1. Hold relevant workshops
    2. Continue to promote the program and Comunidad Connect
  • Deliver household level assets (e.g. water filters, improved stoves, latrines)
    1. Co-investment completion ceremony
    2. Household asset delivery and installation
    3. Installation follow-up visit (1 month)
  • Conduct monitoring visits at appropriate intervals to ensure proper use and maintenance and to reinforce information from workshops
  • Measure and document impact (i.e. # service hours, # local participants and international volunteers, testimonials, etc.)
  • Program Assessment
    1. Post intervention assessment of appropriate impact indicators (e.g. instances of upper respiratory illnesses)
    2. Change in local commitment / capacity (qualitative)
    3. Degree of synergy with Cultural Connections, other CC programs, and external alliances
    4. Degree of interest in additional projects and continued work from internal and external stakeholders
    5. Quantity and Quality of Community Service Projects

Continuing Community Development

  • Identify next project/program with local and external partners that is likely to be a larger investment with direct economic benefit to the community
    1. Macro community assessment framework following similar strategy as the initial assessment
    2. Develop statement of work with local leaders and external partners
  • Launch project/program for economic development
  • Examples
    1. Business plan development and financial literacy training
    2. Marketing and improvement of products and services
    3. Open access to new markets via CC network
    4. Micro-grants and micro-loans to local producers and service providers
    5. Creation of employment opportunities
  • Evaluation, Documentation

Replication / Expansion     

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