Let's build homes for families in Nicaragua
Use our fundraiser toolboxRaising Awareness In 5 Easy Steps
5) Make your impact!
An easy way to engage your friends and family in our collective work. Whether your birthday is coming up or you just want to support programming you care about, creating an impact with Facebook is easy.
Example Page on Facebook
Use Neon
For non-facebook users, Neon is our in-house fundraising tool. Our guide below explains how to create and manage your individual fundraising page.
Fundraising Guide for Neon
Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners
Sample Messages #1
Perhaps more evident now than ever before, home is where the heart is. Over the next three weeks, Comunidad Connect is raising $7,500 to build three houses in rural Nicaragua. In these challenging times, our community has the opportunity to create meaningful change close to home and in partner communities far away. We are forced to be apart by forces beyond our control, but we actually have a chance to become more connected than ever.
A little goes a very long way in Nicaragua, and a donation at any level is very much appreciated.
During this difficult time of stay-at-home orders, it’s important to remember that many of us are lucky enough to have enough food, comfortable beds, and a roof over our heads. But, what if you had no home to stay in? In Nicaragua, this is the reality for many families whose safety is now even more at risk in the face of this global pandemic. By providing a house to one family, the whole community benefits. Not only does the actual construction create jobs for locals, it promotes local economies and increases the overall health of the family and community. During the next three weeks, Comunidad Connect will be working to raise 7,500 dollars to fund the construction of three homes in rural Nicaragua. Comunidad Connect focuses on providing crucial needs for Nicaraguan families but also prioritizes building genuine relationships and encouraging co-investment between local families and their community. With these guiding principles in mind, I would like to ask you to please consider donating to this worthy cause, and helping me reach my goal of $X dollars. This small amount will help to provide a roof on one of the brand new houses. While there are so many worthy causes to donate to right now, your contribution to Comunidad Connect will not only change the lives of a family in need during this crisis and beyond but could change the trajectory of an entire community. Thank you for your support!
Tips on Social Fundraising
- Personalize your page, tell your story, and keep it simple
- Add photos and video links (such as a YouTube link)
- Promote and publicize your donation page (Friends and Family, Office, Local Media).
- Keep your page updated and send fun and humorous messages
- Make sure that you thank your supporters
Great ways to fundraise and engage your community
Share While You Shop
1. Visit smile.amazon.com
2. Choose a charitable organization to receive donations, or search for the charity of your choice
3. Select Comunidad Connect
4. Start shopping!
Do A Coin Drive
1. Collect all the spare change in your house
2. Use quarantine time to count it all 🙂
3. Donate that amount to Comunidad Connect!
Venmo Polls
1. Post on Instagram/Facebook/Snapchat Story about why this campaign matters to you
2. Share your Venmo and ask people how much you can Venmo request them
3. Transfer your funds to your fundraising page
Use Social Media!
Venmo Bingo
1. Choose a CC Bingo Board Graphic
2. Post on Social Media and encourage family and friends to donate via Venmo
3. Post the names of each person who donates on the square corresponding to their chosen amount.
4. Transfer Venmo contributions to your fundraising page
Dare Challenge
1. Choose a dare that you are willing to do to fundraise
Post an embarrassing childhood photo
Film a tik-tok
Workout Challenge (plank, push-up, etc.)
Try a new recipe or hairstyle
Think of your own creative ideas!
2. Choose an amount of fundraised dollars that you will do the dare for, and ADVERTISE
3. Post a video/image of you doing the dare to social media!
1. Ask for monetary pledges for each number of things you do. This doesn’t just have to be walking! Get creative!
Basketball Shots Made
Movies Watched
Pictures Painted