Academic Opportunities
Engaging groups of students and faculty from North American universities via short-term trips, research, grants, and projects is central to our community development model.
These groups have ranged from general health promotion to specific disciplines such as dentistry, physical therapy, and neurology. We craft each itinerary with group leaders and our community partners so that learning and experiential objectives are aligned with local priorities.

Georgia State University Physical Therapy in the Dominican Republic
Medical Groups and Research
Universities in the United States and Canada have conducted research on maternal mental health, childhood digestive health, and respiratory therapy, while others have conducted
Groups of medical professionals and students can participate and earn clinical hours through community health projects related to their field. Send us a message below if you would like to learn more about past research or service learning trips.

Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in Nicaragua
Our impact work abroad is made possible by incredible local partners and a diverse academic community that embrace our brand of responsible community development.
In addition to service learning trips, students and faculty engage via research projects, grants, and internships throughout the year. Current research includes maternal and child physical and mental health, respiratory therapy, health promotion, and environmental health.

Kristen Lingle, Georgia State University Professor in Nicaragua