Rosario del Carmen Granados (45) lives in Los Robles, Nicaragua with her husband (far left) and 3 children. For 26 years, the family lived with relatives in an overcrowded house with 9 people total. The five of them shared the same room because they could not afford to build their own house. In addition, the youngest son Keyler (14), has autism and suffers from neurological problems. He has been a patient in our Together For Health special needs program for 5 years and his temperament has dramatically improved. However, his condition absolutely requires more room so he can continue physical therapy at home, gain independence and so his family can enjoy a better quality of life.

Rosario’s husband, Héctor, says his purpose in life is to give his children the opportunity to study and become professionals. His son Héctor (22) is in his last year of a bachelor’s degree in educational sciences while his daughter Belki (20) is in her 3rd year of a bachelor’s degree in chemical biology. Both children have good grades, are passionate about their careers, and aspire to be teachers.

In January 2022, a relative donated a small piece of land for Rosario’s family’s new home. They hand dug the foundation and drainage for the lot, just in time for the rainy season. In June, Comunidad Connect broke ground alongside Rosario, her family, and local volunteers.

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