There are some patient cases that are beyond the means of the Los Robles clinic and the brigadistas. As patients living with special medical needs are identified, the CC nurse reviews the case with program staff to determine the severity of the situation and how CC can help. Sometimes, the family can afford the treatment but needs transportation to specialists. Other times, the patient has a terminal illness and the family needs emotional support to adequately provide palliative care.
Each patient in our Together For Health program has an individual care plan that includes monthly medical home visits, transportation to specialists, and medicine. If the case merits additional support, CC has integrates the family in one or more of its social programs that address food security, housing, clean water, and small business development. 

Comunidad Connect Nurse Enma during a home visit

Jesus Chavarria and his parents travel frequently to speicalists 

The majority of Nicaraguans living with special needs exist on the margins of society and family life. The prevalence of poverty in Nicaragua often precludes access to specialized care for those who need it most. CC strives to improve the quality of life for special needs patients and their families so that community resources reach more people and drive sustainable community development.
If you would like to learn more about this portion of our work, please contact us today. Our capacity to help more patients is made possible by our community of support.
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