Words wield incredible power. They are vehicles of energy that display our souls to the world. We have complete control of our words; of what, when, and how we speak. And when we are mindful of the innate potential of our words, we can use them to move others into action. With this in mind, I share a few words with you today, and humbly ask that you do the same in some way, shape or form in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead with those around you.
It feels strange to even have to say this but let me be absolutely clear: Black Lives Matter. Read More
June 2020 Update
Nurse Enma attending Together For Health patients in May
Coronavirus is reaping significant havoc on Central America and the Caribbean. Ministries of Health there constantly struggle to keep up with demand, with little capacity to prepare for the current global pandemic. As governments throughout the Western Hemisphere sheltered in place, Nicaragua chose to forge ahead without social distancing.
The message from Ortega was clear “Nicaragua cannot afford to close.” And in many ways, he is correct. The majority of Nicaraguans depend on the informal economy to survive, and the credit sector had already collapsed following two years of social unrest and sanctions. Nicaraguans found themselves between a rock and a hard place; having to choose between staying home without income or risking infection to provide for the family. Continue Reading.
Successful Efforts to Build Community
Thank you, everyone, for your generous support of our Building Community campaign to build three houses for vulnerable families in rural Nicaragua. We reached our goal and will begin working with our partner families, local builders, and supply stores, once it is safe to ease social distancing in-country. Watch the video above to hear from Director of Community Development, Yarisleidy Cortez.
Our CEO, Jon Thompson, recently presented in the U.N Sustainable Development Goals E-learning Course Launch & Showcase, hosted by CIFAL Atlanta, in collaboration with Georgia Tech Center for Serve-Learn-Sustain, and RCE Greater Atlanta. There were over 100 people from countries across the world in attendance and we were grateful for the opportunity to continue sharing our stories and impact. Huge thank you to Lola Owokoniran for her leadership at CIFAL Atlanta and for helping Comunidad Connect bett
You can watch the full event here: https://rcega.org/youth-
Take the Youth & The Sustainable Development Goals E-learning Course here: https://bit.ly/YouthSDGS
Snapshot For Essential Workers – May 10, 2020
Now your favorite Wednesday Snapshots and Music Mondays are all in one place. Visit our website to see over a year of inspiring people and great music. Please keep sending in your suggestions and nominations, we love to hear from our community.