During Comunidad Connect’s 5th Annual Health Summit held in Nicaragua February 1-8, 2020, Dr. Jason DeCaro presented data and analysis from Kohl Dothage, a graduate student from the University of Alabama. In 2019, she re-interviewed and measured 41 of the 250 women from a 2015 community health survey conducted by Dr. Warren Wilson from the University of Calgary.
All child outcomes, and some maternal outcomes, still need to be analyzed. However, the data so far does show us that the same major concerns regarding community health and well-being have persisted over 4 years 2015-2019. These include food insecurity, sufficiency and quality of water, overweight and obesity, and anxiety and depression.
Kohl hopes to return to Los Robles Summer 2020 to complete the remaining interviews and discern a clearer picture of the community as a whole. Additionally, she intends to identify which women and children have improved, declined, or stayed relatively the same. As we gain a better understanding of the households experiencing improvement or decline, we improve interventions for those who most need our support.