As we gather this time of year, surrounded by our friends and loved ones, we are reminded how much we have to be thankful for. The people in our lives pick us up when we are down and hold us when we waver, and we celebrate them as we break bread over the holidays.
Let us also give thanks for the little things we often take for granted: a roof over our heads, clean water from the tap, food in the refrigerator, indoor plumbing…and remember that for those less fortunate in the world, these foundations of a healthy life are no guarantee.
As you consider a pledge this holiday season, remember that it is not as a donation to Comunidad Connect as it is a gift to the people needing it the most. Our purpose is to connect you with others in ways that create meaningful and lasting impact for all involved. We thank you for being who you are and for joining our community of support.

2019: Year In Review
2500+ Medical consultations provided in rural Nicaragua |
20 Special needs patients received 250+ home visits & medicine |
22 Family Impact Projects and new homes benefitting 100+ people |
3 Community bathrooms built in the Dominican Republic benefitting 80 people |
1400 meals delivered to vulnerable seniors |
5 communities engaged in Nicaragua and Dominican Republic (Approx. 6,000 people) |

Every Wednesday, beginning in 2019, we lift up and recognize members of our community who challenge us to think differently. From community organizers to generous volunteers, these special people comprise the story of Comunidad Connect. They make us smile, inspire us to be better people, and encourage us to believe in our dreams.
As our community grows, we want to celebrate the people that inspire us to be the change we want to see in the world. Would you like to acknowledge someone who is making a difference? It doesn’t matter where, when, or how – just as long as the description is genuine. Let us know and we’ll gladly share their story with the world.