Our community of support is a force for change. Together, we address challenges facing communities where access to healthcare often means the difference between life and death. We invest our time, talent, and treasure in solutions for social impact.
Below you will read about our community conducting research, volunteering time, and contributing financial resources to alleviate poverty in Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. Join efforts with us today and be the difference you want to see in the world.

To help us better connect with you and others like you. Please take a moment to answer our brief survey. All respondents will be entered into a raffle for CC merchandise and Los Robles Coffee!

The 4th Annual Bentoberfest: Together For Health event is less than a month away! Costume contests, Silent Auction, DJ, Food and more. Get your advance tickets now to the best party of the year for a great cause!
October 19, 2019
Carlisle’s Pizza Tavern: 1132 Canton Street Roswell, GA 30075

Longitudinal research continues in Los Robles, Nicaragua via the collaboration with Universities of Alabama, Ohio State, and Calgary. Kohl Dothage, graduate student from Alabama spent the summer investigating “how everyday adverse experiences, including food and water insecurity, chronic and infectious disease, economic strain, and general psychological and social stress shape maternal and child health.” Click here for a deeper dive.

Emory graduate students Maureen Sanchez and Macklin McBride worked with our staff and community partners in Jinotega and Los Robles, Nicaragua this Summer on two distinct projects. Maureen created holistic care plans for families and caregivers of our Together For Health program. Macklin assessed the monitoring and evaluation of our Nica Agua program, in preparation for expansion into new communities with a new filter design. Click here to read more about their experiences.

Our expansion to the Dominican Republic has enabled academic partners to conduct comparative research between the DR and Nicaragua. For example, Georgia State University’s Department of Respiratory Therapy is studying the differences in indoor cooking practices and family health. Click here to continue reading.