Academics and health care professionals reunited once again in Jinotega, Nicaragua for Comunidad Connect’s Fourth Annual Health Summit. Comunidad Connect was pleased to host both veteran and new attendees, continuing to augment local and international relationships in the health field.
Professors and students attended from Georgia State University, University of North Georgia, Kennesaw State University, and Ohio State University. The summit began with a day of home visits in the community of Los Robles, an orientation to the organization, and updates of the past year. Highlights from the day included meeting beneficiaries of Comundidad Connect’s healthy home projects of concrete floors, stoves, and ovens, speaking with homeowners about their improved health, and meeting with the network of Brigadistas (community health volunteers) for a Q&A session.
The second day of the health summit began in the city of Jinotega with presentations from the SILAIS (local system of integral health attention), the Health Center Guillermo Matute, the University of Martin Luther, and UNAN FAREM-Matagalpa about community health strategies, achievements through community strategies, and breast cancer, respectively.
Second year health summit attendee and local nonprofit ‘Together for Tomorrow’ founder, Tommy Brown, was happy to participate as it provides the opportunity to connect not only government agencies like the Nicaraguan Ministry of Health (MINSA), but also with academics from the United States. “We were here last year and it is great to hear what the government is currently doing or has plans to do so that we may work together if the opportunity presents itself.”

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The afternoon session included presentations of research results from the University of Calgary, Ohio State University, Kennesaw State University, and the University of North Georgia. MINSA representatives and international academic partners saw opportunities to collaborate and look for ways to share research findings with local communities. Presenters covered a variety of topics, ranging from maternal mental health, childhood digestive health, cervical cancer, and a community health needs assessment study.
After presenting her team’s findings regarding cervical cancer screenings in the department of Leon, Professor Vanessa Jones commented, “It’s exciting to see how relationships and collaborations have developed as a result of the Health Summit. We all have the same goal–improving the health of Nicaraguans in rural communities. Sharing our work provides opportunities to work together to achieve this goal. During this year’s Summit, I was introduced to nursing faculty in Nicaragua who were interested in the same research, which could result in future research collaboration.”
For Kennesaw State’s University Dean of Health and Human Services, Mark Tillman, “The health summit was a great opportunity for teamwork and to share our knowledge of health issues. It gives me a stronger appreciation for the country, the people and the concerns that they face. And it also makes me motivated to provide more opportunities for the faculty and students of Kennesaw State to come here.”
If you would like to learn more about Comunidad Connect, the research presented, or how you can can become involved, please send us an email us a or call 404-444-9147.
Check out more photos from the Health Summit below!

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