We are excited to announce that our Mobile Dental Clinic is up and running! Thanks to your generous donations and support, our resident dentist Dr. Reeder Lanzas is expanding our Preventive Oral Health program to provide dental attention to residents in rural communities. Dr. Reeder also continues to give educational preventive health talks in primary and secondary schools, provide fluoride treatment, and supply students with basic dental kits while supplies last.
Dr. Reeder is extremely excited to put the new mobile dental clinic to work. “With this new clinic, we are going to do tooth fillings, cleanings, as well as extractions. However, our first priorities are cleanings and fillings. Currently we are working in a community on prevention (about 700 students – 400 primary, 300 secondary), and with the new clinic we are able to provide full dental primary care.”

This April Comunidad Connect welcomed Tufts University Dental students in our first dental brigade to the community of Los Robles. During the week the dental students consulted 105 patients and performed 91 tooth extractions, in addition to delivering toothbrushes and toothpaste to numerous others. Comunidad Connect is excited to expand our reach and health impact in the community with this clinic and looks forward to working with more dentists, hygienists, and university dental programs in the future.
Because of your invested support, Comunidad Connect’s mobile dental clinic is bringing smiles to thousands of students and residents in Nicaragua! The new mobile dental clinic marks an important first step toward addressing oral health in remote areas. However, this is just the beginning. You can expand this impact across rural Nicaragua by contacting us today at info@comunidadconnect.org.

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