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Written by Nerys Blandón, Community Outreach and Education Coordinator, Comunidad Connect

Hello team,

I want to share an experience from the community of San Esteban.

A few weeks ago we went to San Esteban to organize the census for their upcoming Nica Agua project. Only a few community members came to the meeting, and those who came arrived late. The only community health worker, or brigadista, there gave the impression that no one knew why they should be there; the was the only one truly interested. She told me that when she explained to the community about the community health work, no body seemed interested. She was worried that if the group leader was negative, the whole group would be negative.

El Equipo de San Esteban - San Esteban Team

El Equipo de San Esteban – San Esteban Team

At this moment we started the meeting and I told them about our work style and the success we’ve had in Los Robles. I promised that we would share with them everything we’ve learned. I asked them if anyone would like to be a brigadista. They asked me, “What would we have to do?” I told them “Today your community only has one brigadista and today we are going to expand that group using those of you here.” We knew they would want to join.

A few days later two young men arrived at my house to help with the census, but they had other news as well. They decided to become brigadistas! They asked me “How many brigadistas can there be?” I told them 10. They sounded so excited and they said they were going to gather the group of ten.

Now we have 10 community health works in San Esteban, four women and six men.

Thank you everyone for allowing us to reach out to more and more communities.




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