Written by: Yarisleidy Mariana Cortez Mayorquin, Administrator of Nica Agua & Community Projects

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Before Comunidad Connect I had a few informal jobs while studying at the university.

I started my professional work experience with Comunidad Connect while I was finishing up my studies. I began as Assistant Director and now I am the head of Nica Agua & Community Projects. From planning to executing projects, my experience has been enriching both personally and professionally. Every day new situations arise, along with new challenges inside and outside the office. Through learning, feedback and sharing with coworkers, we as a CC team achieve success. Without a doubt our work is bringing positive results.


Yarisleidy works with CC staff on Data Analysis

My character is a mix of calm and temperamental, therefore I describe myself as a person with various qualities. I like to work for the wellbeing of people, families, and their communities. I always keep in mind that my priority above all else is the community. They are my people, they are the families with whom I have connected and they have trusted me. For this reason sometimes I take control of situations in order to be able to take into account the perspective of every team member.

Yarisleidy traveling to the Atlantic Regions of Nicaragua to complete follow up surveys.

Yarisleidy traveling to the Atlantic Regions of Nicaragua to complete follow up surveys.

I’m the type of person that can spend all day in the office, or out in the field, even though it might not seem like that. I wouldn’t feel the same passion to plan a project without meeting the beneficiaries, connecting with them and seeing the impact the project brings to their lives. The best satisfaction from my work is to see their smiles and hear their words of gratitude. Also, for us, working in the field represents the ideal learning experiences for us to correct the margin of error that exists in many community projects.


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